[Moo] Archery practice

David Peno dpeno at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 1 06:03:51 PST 2004

To all archers and all who what to be archers ( you
know you do),

With the weather for the next few days calling for
rain I want to remind everyone who are planning on
going to archery practice to call the range at
703-830-2344 if the weather is even looking like rain.
Yes we shoot indoors and the rain should not be a
problem, however even with the advent of more
sophisticated firearms that will indeed fire if they
get a little wet there has been no progress what so
ever in the field of making shotgun shooters more
resistant to a little water. Archery has been around
for a couple thousand years and archers have learned
to adapt to the weather and shoot when its wet and
even when it is very cold. But I digress, the range
closes when it rains since no shotgun shooters show up
during a slight rain and it apears that the range
staff are not inclined to keep the range open for
archers. So be sure to call ahead so you dont make a
needless trip to a closed range.

John de Lochabre

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