[Moo] Armory Meeting May 1!

Dave Montuori damont at wolfstar.com
Tue Apr 27 22:14:42 PDT 2004

Amie asked:
> I have a faint memory of someone posting information about an Armory 
> Meeting on May 1. Don't remember who it was. Is the meeting still on? 
> If so, where so & when so?

Alys responded:
> Yes, it's still on.  That would be Evan da Collaureo, Wreath King of 
> Arms.  He intends to start making decisions on armory submissions around 
> 10:00am. Show up when you can.  He expects things will take a while.  

That's putting it mildly. I believe there's at least one Pennsic letter on 
this month's docket. (The month, by the way, is April. Despite the meeting 
being technically in May... the May meeting will be on Sunday, May 16th.)

> Lunch will be provided; dinner too if it runs on that long.  Water and 
> coffee will be available, or you might want to bring a small supply of 
> your favorite drink.

Some soft drinks will be available, though I'm afraid the Northern Neck 
Ginger Ale will be gone by then. If someone is coming from Sudentor, it 
would NOT be taken amiss if more Neck were to show up. I am accumulating a 
small supply of odd flavors, both with and without calories, mostly 
without caffeine. You are encouraged to being beverages you like, just to 
make sure there is stuff you like there for you to drink.

> Amateur as well as experienced heralds are welcome.

Some of the discussions may go over the heads of less experienced folks, 
but we'll try to explain it as we go (perhaps offline; there's a lot to 
get done each meeting). I value the opinions of everyone, though -- quite 
often it's the newcomer who illuminates a point the rest of us have 
trouble seeing. Having scribally inclined folks present is a BIG plus.

NOW... on to the question of where.

The original plan (and still current) has the meeting here at my house, 
right up the street from Mika and Ursula. Weather permitting we'd be using 
the porch, that having more seating space.

However, the porch is still limited in space. I therefore may be trolling 
for alternate space. Final decision on location will be announced Thurs. 
night or Friday morning, complete with directions.


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