[Moo] site search help

Stacie Larson csrpnt at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 10:03:29 PST 2004

Good morning, everyone!

I had enough fun autocratting Investiture with Mistress Ilse that I am
thinking about doing it again, but bigger.  I am planning to put
together a bid for Stierbach to host Twelfth Night, January 8, 2005.  I
know that there is a lot of enthusiasm out there.  What we need first,
though, is a site.

I am on a quest to find the right site.  We need a site that will
comfortably host about 500 people.  Twelfth Night is special - we need
no outdoor space, no camping.  This makes it a little more likely that
we'll be able to find a site in our area.  (By "our area" I mean the
whole darn barony, including the cantons; I'm even happy to consider
sites in Ponte Alto.)

If you know of a church hall, school, fire hall, retreat, wedding
facility, armory, rec center, convention site, etc., that you think
could work, please let me know.  You don't even have to contact them
yourself if you don't want to.  Just send me whatever information you
have on them and I'll be happy to take it from there.

Thanks for any help you can give me!

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