[Moo] Camp Superkids Demo

Wendy Walecka welshwanderer at yahoo.com
Thu May 26 19:19:26 PDT 2005

Hello Baronial Neighbors!

As my first task as the Minister of Arts and Sciences
(I think I am no longer Acting as we are now
officially Incipient), I was called upon by a
co-worker to help out at Camp Superkids, a camp for
kids living with asthma.  It will be held on Tuesday,
June 21 from at least 6:30 to 8:30 (later if we can
get a bardic circle going) at Hunting Ridge Retreat in
Winchester.  I realize it is Scribal Night, but if you
are possessed of bardic talents, know some medieval
games, or just would like to help promote the SCA to
kids, parents, and camp counselors, here is your

My initial plan is to demonstrate period games(Kubb,
9-Man Morris, and a couple others) for the kids, age
8-12.  It is also Bonfire night, so if enough people
volunteer, I'd love to share the Bardic arts with the
kids or engage them in drumming and dance.  The
members of the camp are very flexible!  

The theme is Renaissance, and since early Renaissance
covers our era, my co-worker who knows of my
participation in the SCA asked if we could help them

If you are interested, please contact me offlist at
welshwanderer at yahoo.com.

I appreciate any help you may have to offer!

Gwenllian verch Ieuen Seis
Wendy Walecka
welshwanderer at yahoo.com

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