[Moo] Check out the Newsletter!

Nicole Spaun icychaos at msn.com
Wed Nov 14 12:39:56 PST 2007

Greetings fair Stierbach,

     Please give a gander to your monthly newsletter.  Especially since the December issue will be posted early (ie next week!) to accomodate the Baronial Candidate Letters.  Therefore, check out this issue before it gets archived.  
     The November issue of The Bull features an article by Lady Aime Sparrow entitled, "Flowers and Their Renaissance Symbolism".  Additionally, Scribal Corner features the beautiful work of Lady Elizabeth of Hadley Hall in a scroll for Lady Miriel deNedham.  As always, the newsletter contains letters from our Baron and Baroness and from the Seneschal, and also Baronial Meeting Minutes, Contact Info, and the Calendar.  
      In Service,
      Lady Bianca di Bari, Chronicler for the Barony of Stierbach   

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