[Moo] Potential site for future events and practices

Sigrune at aol.com Sigrune at aol.com
Fri Nov 30 20:32:59 PST 2007

Just a heads up.

I was speaking with a co-worker who owns property just west of Haymarket, her family has an old farm lot that has roughly 4 acres and has expressed a willingness to discuss our group's use of property for events and/or practices, for little or no fees, (though she mentinoed work parties would be appreciated)

The site has some good field spaces, a pond, and a smaller stand of trees.  It is mostly a longer rectangular plot, with a farmhouse and attached apartment (farmhouse is occupied, apartment is not) a barn and other out-buildings. Without having been out to it yet I cannot speak for the size and layout for if it would be big enough for something like baronial birthday, but it would work for smaller events, and practices.

I am planning on attending the next baronial business meeting to bring the arial photo she provided and answer questions.

If anyone can think of specific questions, feel free to email me, so I can get the answers from her prior to the meeting.

Thank you for your time,
-Takeda (mka: Mike Lehman)
email: sigrune at aol.com

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