[Moo] Silent Auction

Shannon D. Combs-Bennett sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu
Mon Nov 5 03:57:29 PST 2007



I have received quite a numbers of items for the silent auction, thank
you so much!  However, my email had a couple down days last week and I
am afraid I may have missed a few of you.  If you emailed me last week
and had it bounce on you please resend it.  My email is back up and
running, with back-ups in place so that I won't lose messages to the
ether this time.  


So far I have the following people donating items:




Aine and Ii

The Wymarcs 


If you can please bring them to Holiday Faire and I will have the
auction sheets pre-made for any items I know about plus blanks for last
minute donations.  However, I will be at the Baronial meeting this
Wednesday and plan to be at the meeting on Sunday as well if you need me
to take items there.  


Thank you,




sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu 

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