[Moo] possible B-day event conflict

Adrianna du Chesne neopkwaii28 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 07:06:52 PDT 2008

Greetings gentles of the Great Stierbach!

By now most of you have heard/read that our Birthday is currently up against
2 other events: Hero's Portion/St. Aiden's War college in Marnius (which
moved from it's previously published, no-conflict date of 20-22), and
Runestone Collegium (formerly University) in NC.

When it was just University in NC, I was content to leave it as a conflict.
Now that there is now another event, in VA, that is going to draw most of
our fighters away from us (I'm assuming, due to no one calling it hero's
portion, but War College....) I'd like a polling of confidence ^.^

Weekend Options, and current conflicts:
June 6-8, (Spotsylvania Co's HS Graduations, with Manassas City Graduations
on Monday evening)
June 13-15 (our site is only 89.0 miles away from no-conflict Highland River
Melees; also Stafford & Manassas County Graduations, Father's day....)
June 20-22  I refuse to conflict with Assessments, Kingdom Archery *and* 2
other events.
July Weekends are out for various reasons.
August 16 (WOPP, Pennsic Dessert Revel, Prince William County Fair.....)
August 23-do we really want to move it to August?
August 30-do we really want to move it to August?
Leave it as is and know we're going to be short people.

This is a Baronial Event.  I believe the Barony should decide how to
proceed.  At the moment, as all things are in motion for our current
weekend, I'd prefer to keep it that weekend, but perhaps that's just me
burning-out already on this event.  The least June/July conflict seems to be
previously held University weekend (pending site availability, I haven't
heard back yet).

To have your voice heard and be counted, please respond by Friday either to
me privately, or en mass.


En Service;
Baronial Birthday
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