[Moo] Axe

sigrune at aol.com sigrune at aol.com
Wed Apr 2 13:22:09 PDT 2008

sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu writes:

Subject: Re: [Moo] Axe

>I should have been a sit clearer on names.  

>As far as heraldry goes an axe/hatchet/machete/blade or anything else that is the medieval equivalent is a no go.  

>They are all the “same” thing and therefore would not pass.


Are you talking about the name or badge?  To my knowledge if we are talking names, the diffrence between registering the name Silver Axe, is quite different than the name Silver Adze...  Yes an axe and an adze (or a cleaver) may count as equivilent when you are talking charges, but not for names.


I also see we are trying to keep consistency between the names, so switching languages would somewhat defeat that purpose.


So it still relates to the principal topic of the award... why choose the name of one of the many things one can pitch, and not just pick the consistent element: The Target...


So possibilities include:

Award of the Silver Target

Award of the Silver Stump (though that might be confused with the award for injuries in the kitchen)

Award of the Silvered Target/Stump


Knowing the proclivity of this barony's awards to be predominantly red surrounded by some form of white border (a cool thing) it would also have added meaning since our stumps(targets) are "silvered"... could also provide a nice excuse to present said winners with a hand on the wall memento (a round chunk of wood painted red, with a silver or white border, with some form of projectile "pinning" a "scroll" with the name of the recipient and the name of the granting baron/baroness and the date.  


Ok, maybe the last is a weird idea, but sounds cool to me, and reminds me of some of the germanic hunting/sporting trophies I have seen . 







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