[Moo] Baronial fighter practices

Scott Cozad scott at cozaddigital.com
Thu Feb 14 13:18:14 PST 2008

Scott Cozad wrote:
> Shannon D. Combs-Bennett wrote:
>> He and the owner are both familiar
>> with the SCA and interested in historical martial arts as well.
> Edward:
> This is a great opertunity to practice historic martial arts.  If folks
> are interested in learning or learning about the historical martial arts
> please let me know.
> I am not on the Watchtower or Hartsbane lists.  Could someone forward this
> to those lists?

It occurred to me after a comment made by someone on another list that not
everyone may be aware of what the Historic Martial Arts (HMA) is and how
it relates to the SCA.

The study of HMA in the SCA falls under the banner of A&S.  The Society
guidelines can be found on the following website which opens a PDF

What is HMA?  In recent years (the last 25 or so) manuscripts have been
discovered by researches describing how they fought in the late Middle
Ages and through the Renaissance.  These manuscripts cover armored and
unarmored fighting with a variety of weapons.  A good example would be the
1459 Fechtbuch (fight book) of Master Hans Talhoffer 

What makes this different from SCA heavy fighting and rapier?  Under the
HMA guidelines we can explore the art of fighting that for safety reasons
are not allowed in the competitive fighting of the SCA.  The “German”
Masters refered to what they taught as Kunst des Fechtens (Art of
Fighting).   For more detail please see the guidelines shown above.

What does this mean for the Manassas practice?  It means that while heavy
fighting and rapier will be going on HMA will be done as a separate
activity.  Because of the rules covering both activities we need to keep
them separate.  I have spoken with some of the folks organizing this and I
hope we can do basic drills (footwork and body mechanics) together and
then break off into our own groups.

If you have any questions regarding any of this (or want to be bored to
tears) please contact myself of the HMA A&S Deputy Dante di Pietro
(dante_di_pietro at yahoo.com)

Edward de Clare

I have eyes like a falcon so that I will not be fooled.
I have a heart like a lion so that I strive forward.
I have feet like a hind so that I spring towards and away.
Folio 6r Pauls Kal Fechtbüch

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