[Moo] Pennsic Children's Fete

Denise McMahon gerkeeper at mac.com
Mon Apr 27 12:02:31 PDT 2009

Forwarded on behalf of Baroness Kisaiya and all the Children at Pennsic.

This is a great deal of fun and is something I will be doing this  
year. Come join us!

Countess Rowan



Good gentles, we are looking for volunteers for the annual Known  
World Children's Fete to take place at Pennsic this year.

Each year, on the Wednesday of War Week, we celebrate the youth of  
the Society by providing younger members a fun filled afternoon at  
Pennsic War. However, the party cannot take place without the  
generous volunteers who give of their time and energy each year.

So we are again looking for volunteers! We need folks to help set up  
and break down the fete; to work at the sign in table; to assist at  
group tables; to work at the refreshment table; etc. We are also  
looking for groups who are willing to sponsor an activity for the  
fete, including providing supplies and volunteers. Some of the  
activities we have had in the past include mask making, foam sword  
play, face painting, finger loop braiding, banner making, period  
board games, leather working, bead making, illumination, weaving,  
Middle Eastern Dance, period dancing, nerf archery and needlepoint,  
just to name a few. We have also had jugglers, puppet shows and story  
tellers to entertain the children, so performers are always welcome  
as well! Finally, we are always looking for people willing to donate  
supplies or prizes to be given to the children. If you group or  
household is looking for a way to help out, please consider working  
at the Fete!

This year, the Fete will take place between 1pm and 4pm on Wednesday  
August 5, 2009 in the barn. Remember that you are not committed to  
staying the whole time if you volunteer. Any aid that you are willing  
to give will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help,  
please contact Hanim Kisaiya Zingara at (336) 554-1828 or  
baronesskisaiya at yahoo.com.

In service to the children!

Hanim Kisaiya Zingara

As Simon glanced up at the sky,
He looked to his sis with a sigh:
“They’ve taken our land,
And we cannot stand.”
“But brother,” she said, “we can fly.”
— Jacqueline Cabrera

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