[Moo] Forthcoming practices, Chalice of the Sun God, and Siege of Glengary

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Wed Sep 16 01:05:01 PDT 2009


Unfortunately, I am in the midst of sudden season of hectic travel --  
commencing with an interview out in San Jose/Sunnyvale leaving on  
Wednesday and not returning until Sunday (thus missing both practice  
as well as the Chalice of the Sun God).

I'm hoping you guys will be able to scrape together some teams  
(remember they have to have at least 4 of 5 of the following: bard, an  
artistan, a heavy fighter, a rapier fighter, and an archer) -- as well  
as individually pursuing victory in the heavy list.  Additional points  
will be gained for including youth fighters, archers, or rapiers on a  
team.  Team registrations close at 11am.  You can try to get 4 or 5 of  
you together to fill out a team beforehand, or rush-together at the  
end onsite.

Besides getting teams together, I might also suggest that folks  
contact Belphoebe and offer to help get together a group to help clean- 
up after feast and break-things down a bit (remember we had some fun  
doing that service last year and really helped them out).  That does  
mean that folks going out for dinner need to plan to be back in a  
reasonably close period of time, though.

In regards to the Siege of Glengary, right after I get back from my  
trip out to Sunnyvale, I have to turn-around and head-out to Seattle  
to spend a week on the Left coast for my first Cousin's wedding (and  
then a few days with the parents).  Consequently, I'll be missing the  
practice and the Siege of Glengary and flying out on 9/25 and  
returning on Wednesday 9/30, but only to fly out again on Thursday  
10/1 for my other first Cousin's wedding down in Ft. Lauderdale (so  
I'll be missing the Sunday practice as well).  Since we know that Duke  
Timothy is planning to bring a large number of non-standard folks from  
Aethelmearc, and is drawing folks (particularly former House Arindale  
forces) out from the East to support him... I suggest y'all might want  
to seriously work on getting folk out to that war so as to avoid the  
whole "speed bump phenomenon."  Just a thought.

Felix has been kind enough to volunteer to command the unit in my  
absence, and will use his inherent talents, his knowledge of Glengary  
from last year, and his knowledge of us from working with us for a  
couple've years now to put all y'all through your paces for fun and  
glory.  I expect you'll give him the same professionalism and  
exceptional conduct and skill that you have provided every time I have  
been fortunate to be in command.

I apologize for not being available, and wish I could be hanging with  
you all.  I know you will kill some serious Aethelbutt and bring pride  
and glory to us all, as you have been doing so well for so long.  I  
hope I can catch some of you during the in-between days or when I get  

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or  

In service,

Max Von Halstern

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