[Moo] Has Anybody Seen My Missing Pollarm?

William de Mont d'Or mondor.winchester at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 13:27:54 PST 2010

I seem to have misplaced a six foot long split rattan pollarm.  So
there are two mysteries, the first being where is the pollarm?  The
second mystery is, how on earth does on misplace a pollarm, especially
when you drive a mini-cooper?  You would think I would notice NOT
having a great stick of rattan taking up the passenger seat and the
entire back of the car.

If anyone happens to spot the errant pollweapon with their stuff, or
wandering aimlessly around town, please drop me a ling.

William de Mont d'or

P.S. When I started typing the subject line I slipped into a B-52
flashback.  (Has anybody seen.... A dog died bright green?)

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