[Moo] Are ya'll dug out yet?... Sunday info

Barbara Miller blithaofwolfhou at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 11 20:00:11 PST 2010

Greetings all,

We at house Wolfhou are dug out. The roads are plowed to dry pavement (though watch the wet spots in turns and under trees where the snow has been melting, and it refreezes at night). Our subdivision's roads are narrow little valleys between the banks of snow (particularly in the spots that drifted shut and had to be replowed out). 

Due to the narrowness, it is requested that when you come in Old Creekside, on the straight stretch beside the meadow, watch for oncoming traffic and be courteous about squeeking by.

Also, at the fork in the road, where you usually turn right to go through the woods (The Vance Way), it is requested that all go straight (Old Creekside Rd, houses # 24-48... I may have the numbers wrong, but it is the higher numbers), and take the "scenic path" through the wood (on the old colonial road). That is our One Way In, until the snow melts and the lanes are wider.

The Vance Way (the right hand fork in the road through the woods you usually travel) has been designated the One Way Out. So, when you leave our house, take the loop around the horse field (really watch the slick spots next to the woods on the far side!!!!) and exit using The Vance Way to Old Creekside and out to Belle Plains.

Did that make any sense? Old Creekside Rd is our One Way In to our house. The Vance Way is our One Way Out from our house. Watch the icy patches! Go very, very slowly next to the trees on the far side of our loop. And when you park at our house, how many cars can we squeeze into our parking lot? Park close, and we will rearrange cars should you need to go and are blocked in...

See ya'll later!

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