[Moo] Rearming the populace Successes and organizationalmeeting 11/16

Leif Johnston leif at resourcecompany.com
Thu Nov 4 08:57:12 PDT 2010

Good News! Success and more success! 
You may have heard of the effort to rearm the populace -helping those who
want to make armor, improve armor or help make loaner gear. The Canton of
Sudentorre has agreed to create a seed fund to help the armor making proceed
effectively! We will use this money to facilitate bulk buys of leather,
rivets and metal to help make the gear you need and what is needed for the
Canton loaner box.
Come join with us on Tues 11/16 7pm at the CCC in Fredericksburg - we are
planning to have a guest speaker to talk through armor options and help us
get focused. 
Please contact me with thoughts, suggestions and ideas of how we can help.
Consider joining the yahoo group armsudentorre - <
And with the help of Baron Flaithri and some last minute work we were able
to arm Lord Haru to fight at Chalice. That said as of today we have a full
set of loaner gear and peices/parts for a second set.
We have also have access to aluminum casting set up for
scale/lamellar/brigandine plate construction; facilities for doming/dishing
out cops and some approaches to work on helms as needed.
We have had some strategic gifts of supplies and broken armor parts and
would welcome any others you might be willing to give. 
Please let us know if you can Make it Tues 11/16.
Thanks in advance
Wiglaf Sigeberhting
MKA Leif Johnston
Cell (540) 847 5343
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