[Moo] Asian Nights starting up next Thursday (11 Oct, 6PM-10PM)

JL Badgley tatsushu at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 08:57:00 PDT 2012

We are pleased to announce that Asian Nights will be starting up once
again.  Feel free to drop by any time between 6 and 10pm.

What:  Asian Nights
Where:  Ii and Abe's house:
  6899 Ridge Water Ct.
  Centreville, VA 20121
Note on parking:  There are visitor spots on Ridge Water Ct., otherwise you
will need to park at Compton Village Ct.  You can also park in one of the
two spaces marked "73", which are our spots, in front of our neighbor's

What is Asian Nights?
This is a chance for anyone with an interest in the history of Asia during
our period to get together.  We will make our library open to our guests,
and cover anything from China, Japan, India, or even Central Eurasia and
the Middle East.  We have facilities to help with making garb, cooking
experiments, calligraphy, naming, heraldry, martial arts, etc.  If you have
a specific topic in mind that you would like to learn about or that you
would like to share with others, please let us know.

We are initially considering this one Thursday a month, the week after the
Baronial Business Meeting, but that is up for debate and may fluctuate if
there is a better time.  This first meeting will be to get people together,
and determine interests.  If you aren't sure of your interest, we will have
plenty of museum exhibition catalogs available, as well as photos and
artifacts that we have picked up in our own travels--if you find a
connection, we can help you explore it.

We will have some food available.  If you let us know that you are coming,
we would appreciate it so that we can get an accurate headcount.  There is
no cost, but any contributions towards the food will be welcomed.

So come on over, introduce yourself, and let's explore!

-Ii Katsumori
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