[Moo] baronial awards, OP, etc.

Maestra Cassandra Arabella Giordani cassandra at jordanclan.net
Mon Jul 8 16:22:42 PDT 2013


If it is reported in a court report, and is a known award from the list on the 
respective Baronial page on the OP, then yes, it is recorded in the Kingdom OP.  
When I stepped up as Clerk of Precedence back in 2005, I requested baronial 
award listings from all the baronies, since prior to that it was hit or miss as 
to whether baronial awards were captured.  I got answers from most of them and 
added them to the Kingdom OP, and then encouraged heralds to report courts for 
baronial courts so they could be recorded centrally.  And for the most part, 
that happens now.

If there are specific baronial awards that you know of that are not being 
reported/recorded in the Kingdom OP, drop me a line off list to see if we can 
sort that out.


On 7/8/2013 6:50 PM, Evan da Collaureo wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 06:04:07PM +0000, Rhonwen verch Tuder wrote:
>> All awards ever given out by the current and past Baronage are found on the kingdom OP site.
> Would that that were the case, but there are missing court reports from waaaaaay back. We are still trying to dig up any info we have from the "missing" courts.
> But aside from that, does Kingdom in fact track every award that Stierbach gives out? I'm asking this because I don't actually know, while I *do* know that some awards from other Atlantian Baronies are not tracked by kingdom (only locally).
> Evan
> (who has a couple of those untracked awards)
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Maestra Cassandra Arabella Giordani
Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia
cassandra at jordanclan.net

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