[Moo] Ruby Joust!!!!!

Lady Esperanza lady_esperanza at cox.net
Mon May 29 07:38:44 PDT 2017

Ruby Joust was an amazingly awesome event!!! Stierbachers were everywhere and unfortunately I missed so many of the populace in my pictures, my apologies. 

Those that fought, fought with fortitude to make it through the unbelievable heat and humidity! It was truly a marathon!  

Many Stierbachers worked the event and we applaud them for their service:

Sara van Eerde, Lady Sara
Lady Damiana
Mistress Ceridwen Wymarc
Lord Allen of Wolfhou
Mistress Blitha (Your Excellency)
Montgomery Myers, Lord Ullfarr

Thank you to Lord Dietrich Saphir and Lady Aikime, Katie Hoptiak for helping Baron Mors and I set up the Stierbach dayshade on the list field!!! It protected many from the blistering sun on Saturday and rain from those that stayed on into Sunday! 

Thank you to those that shared their hospitality with other Stierbachers under the dayshade. We always have such a good time under the dayshade with everyone. 

And thank you to those that helped take down the dayshade on Dakota Evans, Julie Evans, Benjamin Wheeler and Lord Allen of Wolfhou and the numerous Rapier fighters that helped us pull everything from under the tent before dropping it. 

We can not thank Lord Allen, Allen Miller enough for being the land agent at another Ruby Joust! Especially this Ruby Joust where Mother Nature took out her anger and rained on the site and not just a little! Thank you for all your have done for this Stierbach camp and for sooooo many of the other Stierbach camps over the years and years! You have done so much incredible service to the Barony and its populace and we personally thank you. 

We can also not thank enough Mistress Blitha for her food plan coordination for another Ruby Joust!!!  Mistress Blitha has organized sooooo many food plans over the years and years for the Barony!!! You also have done so much incredible service to the Barony and we personally thank you. 

It was great seeing everyone and we look forward to seeing you at Stierbach's Baronial Birthday!!!!

Baron Valgard av Mors and Baroness Esperanza Susanna Flecha

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