[Moo] My apologies for missing the Coffee Talk on Friday

Lynette Semere lynettesemere at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 09:27:04 PDT 2020

Greetings Stierbach,

                I would like to apologize for my absence from the coffee
talk on Friday evening. Thank you for understanding that with the sudden
passing of one of my students, the need for me to help the family cope with
the tragedy and arrangements was extremely great.

                Even though I was not on the call, I would like to confirm
that the answers given by Ragnarr are echoed by me. We have been together
long enough that the majority of our views in the SCA are in line with each
other. I know he was a little hesitant to speak on my behalf, but as I told
him, we have almost always been of the same mind, and if not we work
extremely well together to work out any different points of view.

                I would also like to point out two things that may not make
any difference on your polling decisions, but we pride ourselves on
transparency. First, as I was signing us up for our electronic pollings
(pssst…. Go do that now if you have not! Today is the last day. It will
make life easier for EVERYONE involved with the polling.) I realized
Ragnarr and I technically live in Crown Lands. What does that mean? Well
nothing in terms of us being on the pollings or our ability to be Baronage.
Individuals do not have to live in a Barony to be the Baronage. But it does
mean Ragnarr and I will not be getting a polling. I’m sure TRM would
happily take any comments we would like Them to hear about our willingness
to be Baronage, but we will not be getting an official polling. Culpeper is
just on the border of Stierbach, so we do not have any problems
participating with the barony, I just felt everyone should know.

Lastly, and this one is very important for me to say, some may or may not
care, but I want to be very upfront about anything that could possibly
cause you to poll one way or the other.  There will still be the
possibility of Ragnarr and I fighting in Crown tourneys. We both are of the
school of thought that as Baronage you are the representative of those
particular Crown lands. As such, each barony being represented in a Crown
list is important. It shows unity of our kingdom, brings more combatants
out to support the kingdom, and can bring a Barony together to take part in
the procession and share memories together in a different and special way.
During our last stint as Baronage of Dun Carraig we tried to find a
representative to fight in our stead in the Barony’s heraldry (with Crown
permission) until there was a Crown Tourney in the far south that no one
could attend. Lo and behold that’s the first Crown Tourney Ragnarr won for
our first kingdom reign.

So what does all this mean? Well it means if Their Royal Majesties at the
time allow it, a vicar is put in our place for the 6 months we would be the
Majesties. TRH are allowed to hold offices, so there is time to decide
which vicar Their Majesties want to put in place while the Heirs can still
be Baronage until Coronation. Vicars cannot give away awards, but are the
short term representative of the group until the Baronage are put back into
place after a royal reign.  We asked the populace of Dun Carriag to choose
if they wanted a vicar or to just have TRM do a polling for new Baronage
when this happened because we felt the Barony as a group should be the ones
to decide if they wanted us back or not after our time as monarchs. The
Barony chose to have a vicar put in and we happily finished off a 5 year

Again none of this information may matter to some while others may change
their minds on which set of candidates they feel are best for the Barony.
At the end of the day, we just want to be as transparent as possible so
everyone can make an informed decision.  Since I could not be on the call,
if you have any questions for myself or follow up questions for both
Ragnarr and I please feel free to contact me via email
lynettesemere at gmail.com or on Facebook - Jynette Mead. Thank you again for
your understanding of my absence on Friday. Stay safe and be kind to each
In Service,
Domina Lynette Semere
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