[Moo] Cancellation of all in-person events and activities through July 1, 2020

Stierbach Baronial Seneschal seneschal.stierbach at gmail.com
Sat May 30 15:26:13 PDT 2020

Please see the following message from the Kingdom Seneschal.

Thank you!

Good morning to the Great officers of State and Branch Seneschals of

Below is an important announcement from the Kingdom Seneschal. Please share
it with your local groups and officers. I will be posting it to the
announcements lists and social media.

If you have questions regarding this use the elist for discussion.


Greetings unto the Populace of Atlantia,

The Crown and I have continued to monitor the new information being
released from governmental bodies regarding the Covid 19 pandemic affecting
the regions of the Kingdom of Atlantia.  It is with a heavy heart that I
announce the cancellation of all in-person events as well as in-person
activities (fighter practices, A&S, and meetings etc.) through July 1,
2020. Virtual activities will continue to occur and variances for virtual
events are available through the Kingdom Seneschal’s office.

The possibility of reopening activities is being monitored and we are
prepared to roll back the cancellation date if possible. At this time, we
will monitor state by state for local group activities, and remain firm
that no Kingdom events will be held until all 5 states are open and allow
gatherings of 500 or more. We make this announcement after great
deliberation, in consultation with the great officers, and reviewing all
available information at this time.

The cancellation of all activities means that *no official in-person
activities*; local practices (all marshal activities and archery), A&S, or
meetings, will be allowed in any part of Atlantia. An official activity is
one publicized via an SCA website, group elist, SCA social media or to the
membership of that group, and conducted in keeping with the SCA purpose and

The variance we requested from the Board of Directors for the postponement
of Crown Tourney will expire in July and it is my intention, at their
Majesties behest, to request an extension for another 90 days, if

Despite being apart in person, Atlantia is leading the way in the SCA with
Virtual Atlantia. Virtual Atlantia is the work of many generous people
throughout the Kingdom. Thank you to everyone who is working so hard to
provide us every day with activities. I strongly encourage you to add to
the classes, online practices and information that is being shared.

I also commend the groups that are working hard to prepare for the future.
>From the cantons, shires and baronies holding online meetings to the
virtual ‘happy hours’, we are coming together as often as we can. In
addition, there are multiple Baronies that have upcoming Baronial pollings
and their Seneschals and the Regional Seneschals are working to ensure

The ongoing uncertainty regarding when we will be able to gather as a
Kingdom weighs heavily on all of us, our primary concern remains the health
and well-being of all Atlantians.  Their Majesties and I will continue to
make announcements and to review the situation as we go forward.


Duchess Simone
Sarah Toich
Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
410-290-3961 NLT 10 pm

*“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you
plant.”Robert Louis Stevenson*
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