[Moo] Pennsic 34

Steve Knerr steve_knerr at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 22 04:57:43 PST 2005

Good morning Stierbach,

This will be one of my many requests for people who want to attend Pennsic.  
We currently have 7 confirmed campers and several more that I know who will 
be there.  For those of you who still aren't sure,  I have two words for 
you....    HOT SHOWERS    .....   So, who wants to go now?  I've had a few 
people send me emails that they plan to camp with Stierbach.  And even fewer 
who have pre-registered.  We are hoping to get back to our old block, N-18.  
It is near the merchant's row and the battlefield, and it is flat.

I will be trying to have some Pennsic meetings every few weeks to help 
answer any questions about the Stierbach encampment or Pennsic in general.  
So if you haven't already sent me an email that you are planning to go and 
camp Stierbach, please do so.  I'll add you to the list.  Once you 
pre-register, let me know so I can change you from pending to confirmed.  
Remember, our encampment is called Barony of Stierbach in the drop down list 
on the pre-registration form.  We need you to pre-register because we get 
land alloted for every person.  The cutoff date for pre-registration is June 
1.  So let me know if you have any questions.

If you haven't sent my your info yet, here is what I'm looking for:
-SCA name
-Mundane name
-Number of people in your family/group (kids, spouse, etc)
-Footprint of tent including ropes, shades, sunflies, etc
-Is the tent period or mundane
-When you plan to arrive at Pennsic
-When you plan to depart Pennsic
-Would you be interested in a meal plan if we have one
-Any special requirements needed for camping (ie. handicapped)

In service,

Stefan von Kiel

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