[Moo] Topic of discussion at Baronial meeting

Annie Hamel Annie.Hamel at cgifederal.com
Sat Apr 1 07:09:26 PST 2006

Good day,
What would help me personnaly and I'm sure a lot of the populace is if someone could provide a picture of the said day shade.  This would go a long way in deciding whether it would blend in and be approrpriate in the context of our events or not.
Thank you
Héloise Le Gardeur


From: moo-bounces at stierbach.org on behalf of Ryan Snead
Sent: Sat 4/1/2006 8:11 AM
To: 'General Mailing List for the Barony of Stierbach'
Subject: [Moo] Topic of discussion at Baronial meeting

Greetings unto the populace of Stierbach,


This Tuesday (April 4th) is the monthly baronial business meeting. We will be discussing several important topics, but I have been asked to bring up one of particular importance on this list. The barony is considering the purchase of a 20 x 30 vinyl top day shade for use at baronial events and Pennsic. This is intended to replace Big Red, which several of you know is not in good repair. After several people have tried to start refurbishment projects over the last few years, we think the barony should seriously entertain retiring Big Red and laying out the capital to buy a large new or used day shade. The thought was to go with non-period roof materials for ease of care and to reduce costs. If you have strong opinions on this topic, you are encouraged to voice them at the business meeting this Tuesday.


If you have questions, comments, or especially leads on where to look, please contact Baroness Briana MacLucas (baroness2  AT Stierbach  DOT org). She is heading up the search committee. Anticipate also that this acquisition will be fairly swift. The hope is that we will have something for this year's Pennsic, if not sooner.


The final decision will be made by the baronial financial committee. However, the input of members of the populace is essential input to this process.


Directions to the Manassas Library (Business meeting site) may be found at the link below.





Iustinos Ancyrenos

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