[Moo] Please give to the Silent Auction

Shannon D. Combs-Bennett sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu
Fri Oct 26 09:54:10 PDT 2007



I am this year's silent auction person for Holiday Faire.  I am told
that there are quite a few items in the Baronial Storage Unit, but there
is always room for more.  If you are going to be donating an item or
items to the silent auction could you please email me back with the
following information: 


Item Description

Your name and contact information

Yes or No, if it doesn't go do you want it back?


Please bring your item(s) to Holiday faire.  If you will be unable to do
so please let me know and we can arrange a time where I can retrieve the
item(s) from you.  Hope you all have fun cleaning out those closets!


Thank you,





sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu

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