[Moo] Axe

Dave Montuori damont at wolfstar.com
Wed Apr 2 14:47:07 PDT 2008

Scripsit Rhonwen:
> I should have been a sit clearer on names.  As far as heraldry goes an
> axe/hatchet/machete/blade or anything else that is the medieval
> equivalent is a no go.  They are all the "same" thing and therefore
> would not pass.

As *heraldic charges* that is true. But the rules are different for names. 
As "Hatchet" is very different both aurally and in spelling from "Axe", 
"Silver Hatchet" does not conflict with "Silver Axe".

We'd still need to document "Hatchet" as a period word, and someone else 
might have a "Silver Hatchet" award/order/company name, but it is clear of 
"Silver Axe", for what that's worth.

Evan da Collaureo
quondam Wreath King of Arms

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