[Moo] awards and scribes

Shannon D. Combs-Bennett sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu
Mon May 26 06:47:28 PDT 2008

With two courts for the Barony a little over a month apart, Flaithri and
I have begun to make the list of awards to be given.  Please let us know
if there is someone deserving in the Barony.  Please send us an email
with a bit about them, their name (spelled for the scroll) and which
award if you have an opinion.  This is important, verbally telling us a
recommendation is wonderful but following up with a written email will
ensure that key details are not lost.

You can do this for Kingdom awards as well.  Both of us are more than
happy to write recommendations to the crown supporting members of the
populace.  If you send a recommendation into spike please let us know so
we can be aware and add our voice when needed.  

The busy summer season is approaching I would like to ask that any
scribe who is willing to do assignments please contact me soon.  Many of
you have said you would like to do Baronial scrolls but since summer is
very hectic for most I do not want to assume you are still available.
Drop me a note and I will do my best to get assignments out to you very

Baroness Rhonwen

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