[Moo] Kingdom and baronial award recomendations

Shannon D. Combs-Bennett sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu
Wed Oct 21 12:46:11 PDT 2009

Greetings to the Barony of Stierbach,


Many of you know that Holiday Faire is a royal progress, and as such we
wish to encourage the populace to write in award recommendations.  If
there is someone in our Barony who has been overlooked, in your eyes,
for an award please write to Their Majesties and let them know.  The
more lead time you can give before an event the better for Their
Majesties, and the happier the scribes will be.   Holiday Faire is just
one month away!  If you are unsure of someone's official SCA name it may
be hard to search the OP at http://op.atlantia.sca.org/index.php, but
you can either search by first letter of their first name or the award.


Also, if we are permitted, there will be a small Baronial court as well.
We ask that you also write to us with any Baronial award recommendations
you may have.  Not sure if someone has a Baronial award?  If you follow
this link http://op.atlantia.sca.org/barony_awards.php?barony_id=32 and
click on the award title it will show you everyone who has received that


Remember, we and Their Majesties cannot be everywhere and see
everything.  We rely on you to be our eyes and let us know when others
are doing excellent work.  



Flaithri and Rhonwen 

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