[Moo] Royal Court Report: Coronation Supplement, 29 Aug 2009

Dave Montuori damont at wolfstar.com
Fri Sep 11 10:42:30 PDT 2009

(Fourth and last of four for today, for those who don't read the Merry 
Rose nor the Atlantian heralds list. -Evan)

Unto Their Majesties Vladimir and Kalisa, the Triton Principal Herald, the Atlantian College of Heralds, the populace of Atlantia, and all who read these presents:

Greetings from Evan da Collaureo, Sackbut Herald, on this eleventh day of September, with supplemental tidings from the Courts of Vladimir and Kalisa on the occasion of their Coronation.

This event happened on the 29th day of August, Anno Societatis XLIV. Going through my notes and my unwritten memories, there were a couple of items that I know happened during these courts, but I cannot fix their order within those Courts, and in one case I am unsure of the gentle involved.

First: At some point during one of the courts of Vlad and Kalisa, Their Excellencies of Stierbach requested a moment of Their Majesties' time in order to present a gift to Their Majesties, and that moment being granted, Their Excellencies did make such presentation.

Second: Also at some point, a gift was made to someone which included a caparison. I am afraid I do not recall to whom that gift was made, or in which court.

If anyone can supply the missing information I would be most appreciative. With thanks to all who assisted Their Majesties with Court on that day, I remain yours in service,

Evan da Collaureo, Sackbut Herald.

P.S.: All references to "Their Highnesses" in my missives of this day are referring to the gentles who now sit on the Thrones of Atlantia as King and Queen. All references to "Their Majesties" in my letters refer to whomever was King and Queen *at that point in time* during the day. I wished to clear up any possible confusion I may have inadvertently caused. 

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