[Moo] Dog Mart is this Weekend!!!!

Laurie Clarkston garadh at verizon.net
Mon Sep 28 11:34:01 PDT 2009

If your not planning to attend University this weekend, then please come be part of the demo Saturday and you do not have to have late period garb.  

The late period garb is needed for the opening ceremonies only.  And the late period garb people, you have no speaking parts in the opening ceremonies in case you might be wondering...grin.

After the opening ceremonies, we will start up the various fighting demos, and talk with folks on the SCA, and life in the Middle Ages.


From: Barbara Miller <blithaofwolfhou at yahoo.com>
To: watchtower at sudentorre.atlantia.sca.org; moo at stierbach.org
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 12:30:27 PM
Subject: [Moo] Dog Mart is this Weekend!!!!

Greetings all, 
I Have just talked to Chief Green of the Potomak indians. They will be coming on Friday between 2-5 to set up thier lodge, bring dugout canoes, indian corn grinding, and other activities. They are planning on having one trader, one translater (Algonquin to English and back), several warriors around the chief and translater, and several other tribesmen (and 1-2 women maybe) in the background. We were talking of what we should have. Yes, we know we do have a time disparigency (trading was about 1689ish... our garb is 1650s at the latest, and we do not have musket weaponry - but we do have swords!). We should have one main tradesman trying to negotiate a high price for the hounds. We will need a dog handler, and menfolks around to guard and watch the trade against any bad dealings. Greg (of Issacc walton League) has said to Chief Green that he will find some hounds for the trade. He may also find some militia men to guard our back. I encourage all to go
 onto the Dog Mart web site and read the history and the laws that first said there were to be no trading with the indians, and then permisable to trade furs for hunting dogs. Remember, the indian's hunting method was to burn the forest to drive the game to a river, and then to shoot the fleeing game. That was outlawed, and thus the indians needed to use other methods to get the amount of game needed to survive the winter! That is why the hunting dogs were nessesary.... 
The Opening Ceremony will be either at 9am, or at 10am. But, regardless of the time, we need to have the folks who will be participating in the ceremony on site, and ready to practice what we will do, by about 8am. We need a main tradesman to barter a good price. We need a dog handler. We need 3-5 men folk around to oversee and guard. We may have a few others (men, women, children)  in the background. (Chief Green and I discussed that what woman would pass up the oportunity to trade, even if the men folk were doing the trading. And if there was trading for dogs, there probabley also were trading of chickens, produce, other items for trade. But we are not picturing other trade stuffs in the opening ceremonies... dogs are enough for the day, and the focus) All of our participants on the stage with opening Ceremonies will need to be dressed in late Elizabethan. Let me know if you need to borrow garb from Sudentorre's loaner stash. Hopefully, we will
 have your size....
For setup, I will be taking the trailer over to the Fredericksburg fairgrounds site on Friday. Who may be availabe to help with setup on Friday? What time would people like to meet? It would be good to set up during daylight. We will have 2 tents and the list fences to set up....  If everything we need for the demo is in our trailer, it can be locked up on site, ready for  final setup on saturday. Thought is to use Wolfhou's 18x18 tent (for tables with displays), will need a smaller tent (Siegfried, is your round one available, to be set up with wall for use of the fighters for gear and to change or rest?)
Saturday morning, we will finish setting up tables and dispays. We can use a bow, a crossbow, arrow/bolts (anyluck at having a display of arrows in different stages of creation, or arrows with the different heads on them?). We can use some knitting (Miriel?), embroidery work, weaving or spinning or cardweaving, Heavy fighter gear, chain mail that folks can try on, A framed (protected from the weather) example of calligraphy and illumination (Rhonwen, do you have an example that we can put on display?). A food/table setting would be good also (Geneff, are you available? I can have pictures of the oven in progress and in use). How about any chain mail weavers? That and much of what we actually are doing is good activity to get people watching and asking questions. There will be some information on dogs in period (I have one copy of Gaston Pheobus, and some research, and pictures... if others have pictures, book, information, or any "dog stuff" for
 display, that would be good to add. The painted floor cloth (with tiles of hunting and dogs)I have been  making will not be ready, but can be hung up as a work in progress. While the opening ceremonies participants should be in late Elizabethan garb, others may be wearing other time frame garb for the Dog Mart Demo! There will be a changing area for fighters.
We have heard back from only a few people. If you are not on this list, please contact Cairistiona or me.... Who is definitely coming in time for the Opening Ceremony?:
Flairthri (heavy and rapier fighting and rapier marshal)
Ranulph (heavy fighting)
Miriel (knitting)
Sigfried (Youth combat marshal)
the young ones (youth combat)
Allen (heavy fighting and fighting marshal)
Dante (rapier fighting and marshal)
Humphry (may have to work saturday morning)
Sig (Heavy fighting)
We are hoping to rotate some heavy fightiing, then some rapier, then some youth combat... We only have 4 heavy fighters, 3 youth, and 2 rapier fighters. So, if any other fighters are out there, please come! Cairistiona has negotiated free admittance for those participating in the Demo. 
I know many are getting tired and a little fried, but let's pull together for this demo! It is important for spreading knowledge of the middle ages, the Europe from which the early colonists came from, and good will with The Defending the Gate site owners.
See ya'll friday or saturday!
FredericksburgDog Mart
The 311th Dog Mart Festival will take place in Fredericksburg , Virginia , Saturday, October 3, 2009 at the Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair Grounds.
website:   http://www.fredericksburgdogmart.com/dogmart/Welcome.html 
 Address:  2400 Airport Ave
                (Cross Streets: Near the intersection of Airport Aveand Oldfield St)
The Canton of Sudentorre has been invited to showcase the SCA.  We will have a display on various Hunting Dogs throughout our early History.
The sponsors of the Dog Mart, is Izaak Walton League (IWL), Fredericksburg Chapter.  They have invited us because we held our “Defending the Gate” event last year on their property, and they really like our group.  They wanted us to come out and show folks what we are all about.  
Aside from all the “dog” activities, there will be all sorts of entertainment to delight just about anyone.
We will set up the display area Friday night; Saturday morning finish setting up starting around 7:30 am.  
Around 9 am, we have been asked to open the festival with the local Indian Tribe (late period garb for this).  
There is no charge for us to participate.  You must wear garb and be part of the demo in one fashion or another.  You will be able to get into the festival for free.
Non-fighters:  request you wear late period garb.  
I need heavy fighters
I need rapier fighters.
I need youth fighters.
I need people who will talk to visitors who stop by.  
I need marshals for this event (including youth).  
I need several people who will to talk to the crowd about what the fighters are doing, the fighting styles, the equipment they are wearing, the swords, etc…
After each demo, field questions.  Kids love to talk to the fighters. 
We will provide shade, drinks, and snacks.  We will have an area for you to store your equipment out of sight.  We have plenty of space for fighting.  Most of the days activities will end around 4 pm(maybe 3 pmfor us).
I would love to see two dozen fighters each come out in your best armor and garb.  The more fighters we have, the more different types of fighting can be demonstrated.
If you can come, please contact me as soon as possible.
Demo Coordinator
garadh at verizon.net
 , Fredericksburg, VA22401 
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