[Moo] FW: Missing Tote Bag -- Pennsic

Michael Mitchell wymarc10 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 08:25:11 PDT 2010



From: SCA Discussion List [mailto:SCA at listserv.vt.edu] On Behalf Of Michelle
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:42 AM
Subject: Fwd: Missing Tote Bag -- Pennsic




Begin message


My apologies for cross-posting, but I want to spread this information as far
as possible. Please forward to any list or location you think might be
relevant, particularly to other Kingdom lists and teen-based groups, and
have people reply to me at <pennsicartisans at gmail.com>.

On Friday night, Aug. 13th, a white tote bag with black web handles and a
woodblock print was taken from the Ladies Restroom at the Bathhouse by the
Barn at Cooper's Lake. The contents of the tote bag were all of the records
for Artisans Row -- the Artisans Row notebook, the participants sheets, the
populace reaction surveys, along with a spiral notebook with organization
notes, and other personal possessions. (I can provide a more complete list,
if desired.)

If anyone has seen this tote bag, please notify me. There is a reward, and
postage costs for shipping the tote bag and its contents to me will be

For anyone who participated on Artisans Row, either from the general
populace or as part of an organized group, I would appreciate your help in
recreating the data that was lost, particularly if you were offering up a
suggestion for a topic for next year. Please e-mail me at
<pennsicartisans at gmail.com> -- I am looking forward to hearing from you


                  The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
   List Info: http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
 Submissions: Atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org


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