[Moo] OT: Free yarn!

Nicole Spaun icychaos at msn.com
Fri Jan 8 15:55:18 PST 2010


    I now have a 30lb black trash bag FULL of yarn.  Some of it wool, some acrylics of all colors.  Some fancy yarns with metallic bits, some variegated.   If you're a knitter or crocheter you probably won't find enough of one kind to do a whole afghan, but they're great accent yarns and can definitely make a nice bunch of scarves.   It's free to a good car, seeing as someone will need to pick it up ;)  I'm in Springfield so either you can pick it up here, or I can meet someone somewheres in Stafford VA (rte 610 is easiest).  Contact me offlist.  

    Any takers?




(who will have fabric and garb sorted at some point later and those'll be available then)

 Lady Bianca di Bari, Chronicler for the Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
 'Per bend wavy sable and azure, a comet bendwise inverted and a comet bendwise argent'

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