[Moo] Reminder: Baronial/Royal award recomendations

Shannon D. Combs-Bennett sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu
Wed Nov 3 05:42:03 PDT 2010



If you have any recommendations for Baronial awards (or even royal)
please send those in ASAP.  We are still looking for recommendations for
our court at Holiday Faire and would like the input from the populace.
Holiday Faire is in 3, yes 3, Saturdays.  Please have all
recommendations into us this week so that we can ensure that scrolls can
be made.


Want to know if the person you wish to recommend already has that award?
Never fear, the OP is here!
http://op.atlantia.sca.org/barony_awards.php?barony_id=33   Click on the
award name and a complete listing of all recipients is given.  


If you have any questions or would like to talk to us in person instead
, We will be at the meeting tonight and crown this weekend.




Baroness Rhonwen 

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