[Moo] 02 November Fighter Practice After Action Report

William de Mont d'Or mondor.winchester at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 06:22:07 PDT 2010

Greetings to the members of Greater Stierbach,

With the temperature hovering around 40 and no breeze, or at least no
breeze that I was able to discern wearing armor, it was an excellent
night for a rousing fighter practice.  We had a good location with
good lighting, and plenty of parking.  Prior to practice I was able to
go inside to change into my fighting gear and grab some water.  The
only real impediment to last night's practice was a lack of a surfeit
of fighters.

Alas, only myself and our good Baron were able to fight through that
evening's light traffic and dry roads to the practice location.  Even
so we two were able to exchange a number of blows. Though the word
exchange conjures up images of blows being evenly thrown and landed
this was not the case.  All I can say about that is my shield is still
in nearly new condition while his Excellency's shield was much more
battered at the end of practice than at the beginning.  On a side
note, if anyone has any recommendations on the best way to get red and
white tape scuff marks off of my helmet please send them my way.

To recap:  practice was fun, there were two fighters in armor, and we
fought with/against a number of weapons styles.

William de Mont d'Or

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