[Moo] January Baronial Day Site/coordiantor needed

Shannon D. Combs-Bennett sdcbennett at alumni.indiana.edu
Mon Nov 15 06:42:46 PST 2010



Once again we are looking at holding a Baronial Gathering in January to
start off the new year.  If you are interested in coordinating this
activity, or have a site in mind that may work please let His Excellency
or I know soon.  


A bit of information for planning purposes:

*        Site needs to fit 40-60 people.  We average 50 at these
baronial gatherings, with this one being our largest usually.

*        Site needs to have plug-ins for crock pots and access to at
least a quasi kitchen for cleaning up.

*        In the past we have had various activities.  This is a flexible
and changing activity.  Don't think that everything has to be
accommodated.  However, enough room for people to be comfortable, work
on projects, socialize, have fun, and etc is best.


Dates in January are becoming scarce.  Looking at the calendar, we have
the following possibilities to hold this: 15th, 16th or 23rd.  The 1st
and 2nd most people would rather be with family, but it is an option.
The 8th is Kingdom 12th night, and I know quite a few are traveling to
this event.  The 22nd is Ponte Alto's investiture.  The weekend of the
29th is not only Ice Castles but Interbaronial 12th night, and while we
could hold an activity here there are quite a few members of the Barony
to travel to these events.




Baroness Rhonwen 

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