[Moo] Some Things needed for Holiday Faire

Dexter Guptill 3fgburner at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 12:57:16 PDT 2011

I've got an idea. Assuming that Chirurgeon's in a marquis-type
pavilion, swap that one over to MoL. Meanwhile, I can bring my 10x12
wall tent (the thing I live in at Pennsic), and a space heater. We can
use that for Chi Point and waterbearing, since it's more suited for
that than for MoL.

Ping me back if you want me to bring it.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Marcolo DelMare
<marcolobronzethunder at gmail.com> wrote:
> We are only putting up 4 pavilions this year, Troll, Gold Key, Chirurgeon,
> and MotL. We have 3 of the 4 and would appreciate if someone could loan a
> pavilion for MotL. Enequay has one he could lend but with his recent surgery
> he cannot lift anything heavy so we would have to pick it up, set it up and
> then return it to him. This is a great option but if someone else could
> offer the use of their pavilion and transport it to the event that would
> save us some trouble.

Erich, mka

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