[Moo] Scriptorium....again?

Rhonwen verch Tuder rhonwen at kandsbennett.net
Wed Aug 22 07:54:11 PDT 2012

It has been suggested that there may be people in the area who would like to
start the scriptorium up again.  I am willing to open my home, books, and
whatever is rattling around in my head to anyone interested. 


At this point in time the best day and time for me is Thursday evenings.
6-10pm works well.  Don't feel like you have to neither show up right at 6,
nor do you have to stay until 10.  However, I will be going to bed shortly
thereafter and the lights will be turned out on you. ;)


With two boys getting ready to start school in September, and a husband who
has to commute long hours, I really need to have this at my house so they
can get into bed on time and I don't have to worry about rushing them around
here and there on a school night.  That being said, if there is interested I
could also do a Saturday here and there for an all-day/afternoon scriptorium
if anyone is interested.


Let me know if you are interested and we can work on a start date.





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