[Moo] date of Baronial Birthday

Nicole Spaun icychaos at msn.com
Wed Apr 16 17:47:48 PDT 2008

So much effort has already been put in by Stierbachii, let alone the autocrat, that moving the date for the benefit of other people who are closer to the other events than ours seems too damn generous right now.  It's OUR Baronial Birthday.  If they don't want to come to our party, well...ok, I could use one of my New Yorkisms but I'll refrain and instead go with the british version... "sod them!".  
  We'll just spike Holiday Faire with no conflicts and, continuing with Adrianna's cash cow analogy, milk them all then!!! ;)  This event is for us, and those of you who have already worked so hard to make it happen.

Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 12:18:49 -0400From: neopkwaii28 at gmail.comTo: moo at stierbach.orgSubject: Re: [Moo] Moo Digest, Vol 52, Issue 38
Firstly, I must say: WOW!   I honestly was not expecting such a response, furthermore this early!  Thank you so much!
It seems at this point to be overwhelmingly towards keeping it as it lays (silent rejoicing).
To answer Takeda's questions:
~It is not being required by "the powers that be" to reschedule our event, we were honestly there first!  :-P
~At Baronial Meetings, it was decided that our Birthday would not be our one no-conflict event for the year, even though it was last year.  This would protect our "cash cow", Holiday Faire in November. (sorry, I just had to use that term! ^.^)
In response to Alys:
There is not another Business Meeting before the publication deadline of May 1st, but as it is only a change of date and not a change of $300 or more to the current budget, we are not required to approve another budget (what, the fourth one?).  I personally believe this discussion to be  "populace notification".  But as always, I follow my Seneshal's word.
En Service;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Message: 1Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:33:13 -0400From: sigrune at aol.comI saw the?dates published in the Acorn, is this a matter of us wanting to move to avoid a loss of participants, or is this a required rescheduling by kingdom powers that be?Did we not submit the event as a no-conflict/limited conflict? Maybe we should look into this for future submissions, (and book them early)-Takeda------------------------------Message: 2Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:45:39 -0400From: "Alys of Foxdale" <montuos at gmail.com>
Changing the date of an event with this little advance notice isalways a bad idea.  For that matter, do we even have another  businessmeeting before the June Acorn deadline on May 1?Alys
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