[Moo] ISO loaner wall tent poles

Evan da Collaureo evan at scadian.net
Sun Aug 29 11:44:28 PDT 2010

Greetings Stierbach!

So, after the rather wet end of Pennsic, there's this 18x24 piece of canvas
currently going through yet another sunbathing session in our back yard.
ANd I've reached the conclusion that to finish off the drying-out process,
what I'd *really* like is a way to get it completely off the ground for
a whole (preferably sunny) day.

It doesn't have to be FAR off the ground. The canvas appears to be rigged
like the roof-only portion of a wall tent... so the idea came to me that
if someone has wall-tent poles I could borrow, that might do the trick.

Any other ideas? (Or offers to loan out appropriate hardware?)

Thanks in advance,

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